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S Field

Sirian Field

You can visualize the S Field

as a light pyramid 


encapsulating planet Earth.

Abstract Paper Craft

The Sirian Field is a 6th-dimensional energy field

accessible through the portal of 

your Heart.

Sirian Portal Sirian Gate Star Gate.jpg

The Sirian Gate

Learn about the 10 Dimensions

Paper Abstract





The Sirian Field is the light source that has birthed your soul if you are a Sirian starseed.




The Sirian Field has been around Earth for eons of time because of a family tie.




The Sirian Field loves unconditionally, whenever, wherever, and whoever you are. 

The Sirian Field is a field of information,

truthful, beautiful, and loving.

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You can visualize the S Field

as a doubled Pyramid of Light.

Square Stage


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How to experience the S Field?

Here is the secret

You can find out what "tat tvam asi" (an ancient Sanskrit phrase) means by going on an internet search.

Search ... and thou shall find.

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The Pleiadian - Sirian Alliance
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Pleiadian Field
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