A Womb, Not a Tomb! The First Pleiadian Temple Now Revealed
A Womb, Not a Tomb! The First Pleiadian Temple Now Revealed
We, ancient civilizers from the Pleiades, return now to Earth to help you starseeds rewrite history and rebuild civilization...
We, ancient civilizers from the Pleiades, return now to Earth to help you starseeds rewrite history and rebuild civilization...
We, ancient civilizers from the Pleiades, return now to Earth to help you starseeds rewrite history and rebuild civilization...

The Hijacked Egypt
Historical Egypt = Hijacked Egypt
Article by Qin-Ra
You call this

Abu Simbel Temple
I had finished touring the World Heritage Site. The tourists around me raved about its beauty while my heart said the opposite. The Abu Simbel Temple, built by Ramses II, the “greatest of all Egypt’s Pharaohs,” ignited in me a sense of repulsion instead . Look at its shameless displays of Pharaonic ego and tacky aesthetics ... yuck!
Next, I visited Medinet Habu near the Valley of the Kings. I nearly puked in the temple's courtyard: its walls were covered with battle scenes, some displaying piles of hands and penises chopped off must be thousands of prisoners of war.
My goodness, a temple glorifying the atrocity and carnage of war.

Medinet Habu - a Temple of Horror Beautified
As I walked through this temple of horror, I wondered which was worse, Medinet Habu or Auschwitz. Both sites featured piles of human bodies, but one surrounded them with righteous aesthetics, and the other did not.
I had been to Auschwitz twice. I had seen evil up close. I expected horror there, but not here. Not in Egypt, the golden land of high spirituality, the Mecca for New Age pilgrims.
But shadows of evil were staring at me everywhere I went. A week before visiting Medinet Habu, I was at the Cairo Museum observing the Narmer Palette, believed to be the artifact that best represents the beginning of dynastic or historical Egypt.
Narmer was the founder of Egypt’s Dynasty One.
Narmer (identified by most scholars as the Pharaoh Menes) was a mighty warrior chief who became the first Pharaoh, the first king of a unified (meaning "conquered") Egypt.
He was the first king to rule both Upper and Lower Egypt, not by way of virtue but by way of war, and he was the first ruler to establish an ideology of terror that would go on to conquer the minds of Egypt’s people for over three thousand years.

(c. 3100 BC)
The triumphant Pharaoh smiting his enemy.
To my amazement, this iconic template from a 3100 BC palette was prominently featured throughout Egypt, adorning the front walls of most temples I visited.
It dawned on me that dynastic Egypt was built upon this root symbol. Later Pharaohs all copied the first Pharaoh’s pose, or I should say, ambitious men copied the pose of Pharaoh I to become Pharaoh II, III, IV...
When did the men of the world start behaving like this? Since the beginning of Homo sapiens? Our education has programmed us to believe that bullying behaviors, like those of ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, are rooted in our genetics, that since time immemorial men's behavior has been driven by one purpose:
to conquer and rule other men.
Is it true?
I was fortunate to have visited Ireland before traveling to Egypt. In Ireland, I reconnected with the Pleiadian being, Sincera, who provided me with stunning revelations.
Among her revelations are the following points:
- To conquer and rule is the hallmark trait of the Anunnaki, a dark extraterrestrial force that invaded Earth humanity in the Bronze Age and hijacked the civilizations founded by Pleiadian and Sirian families of light.
- Earth humans in the New Stone Age were peaceful and happy. There was no war on Earth, no ruler, no king or queen.
- The Anunnaki introduced warfare to human life and the notion of a “divine ruler”—the king and his army backed by the gods (later by the one and only God).
Thus, I went to Egypt with my eyes already opened by Pleiadian revelations. I could see deeper into this land enshrouded in immense mysteries.
Here's what I saw:

I saw a dark pyramid.
I also saw that Narmer’s troops had come from the northeast and swept southward along the Nile. He and his forefathers (unrelated to the Dynasty 0 rulers, Ka and Iry-Hor) belonged to a warrior tribe not indigenous to this land.
In other words, he was a foreigner. His army, whatever its ethnic composition, served as an instrument to impose on the land of Egypt the alien energy of the ultimate conqueror—the Anunnaki, who had landed in Mesopotamia a few centuries before, with an agenda of global conquest, land by land, era by era.
According to Sincera, "Ancient Sumer was the first wound on humanity."
Sumer was where the alien infiltration into our human genome began, where the hijacking of civilization began.
The Sumerian “civilization” marked the beginning of a decline in civilization.

Illustration from
The process of decline was characterized by the contamination of our humanity, fragmentation of our consciousness, and destruction of our relations with one another and with our mother planet.
A process called history.
History began with military conquest, survived through law enforcement, and prospered through propaganda campaigns: his-story.
Recorded history is a story of war on human bodies and human minds.
Recorded history is a story of civilization stolen and perverted.
Recorded history is a story of escalating forgetfulness of our true stories.
Such his-story, in its numerous regional variations, is fueled by the Myth of Historical Progress. The only thing that has truly progressed over the past 5,000 years is our tool, which we use to control ourselves and the environment.
His-story is based on the strategic principle of Reversal of the Original, which, according to the Pleiadian Sincera, was the Anu Force's modus operandi in hijacking the civilizations founded by Pleiadian and Sirian families of light.
Egypt fell victim to this history, as did China and India, the other two cradles of civilization. The hijacking of these two civilizations was accomplished through another strategy, yet both conquests followed the same pattern set in Sumer:
military conquest of the human body backed by ideological conquest of the human psyche.
This energy from Sumer invaded Egypt during the Bronze Age.
This energy was non-existent on Earth during the New Stone Age.

The Pharaonic Agenda, being a core part of the Anu Agenda, was not esoteric or vague, but open and clear. Its goal was to install a pyramidal structure in the human society of Egypt.
The structure was based on the principles of domination and obedience, with political control centralized in the royal family headed by the Pharaoh and mental control centralized in the priesthood. It was essentially an energy-draining system. It extracted energy from the land and its people to feed the alien force hiding in the astral plane. The Anu Force hides in the semi-physical astral zone, i.e., the 4th Dimension.
The pyramidal structure for energy sucking was a reversal of the original structure for energy generation and distribution. The dark pyramid was a corrupted and reversed light pyramid.
The best architectural expression of the dark pyramid was found in the ziggurats. These were Anunnaki temples, which functioned as energy-sucking and power-draining stations.
Here we have two models with opposite intentions:

Light Pyramid

Dark Pyramid
The Anunnaki (the dark Sirians) first built their pyramids—the ziggurats—in ancient Mesopotamia. After they conquered Egypt, they took over the network of pyramids built by the light Sirians.
The pyramids were there in the background when the army of Narmer, the Pharaoh-to-be, swept through the land. The alleged “builder” of the Great Pyramid, the Pharaoh Khufu, simply did some furnishing work around 2560 BC.
The Sirians were pyramid builders. Although disowned by Sirius, the Anunnaki still operated in the Sirian way, just in reverse. These dark Sirians had the nerve and the skill to hijack the light Sirians’ achievements and then warp them to serve dark agendas.
The pyramidal form is a neutral structure that generates energy; it can be used to empower or destroy humanity.
The pyramid symbol we see on today’s dollar bill is a dark pyramid; it originated in the hijacked Egypt.

Historical Egypt is undoubtedly mind-blowing in its complexity, grandiosity, and beauty. The bust of Nefertiti is beautiful; the mask of Tutankhamun is spectacular. But we must see through the dazzles of beauty, which, as we know, can serve whoever is in power.
The hijackers of civilization and the rulers of humanity have lasted this long because they wear masks of light that are blindingly beautiful.
Let’s strip them of these masks. Let’s break through the bunker of history to reach for the original, authentic, prehistoric Egypt, as we would for prehistoric China, India, Sumer, and elsewhere. Let’s wake up to the fact that not long ago, during the Neolithic era, our societies were egalitarian and our humanity was brilliant.
I lodged at the Nubian Tribal House on Elephantine Island for a few days, where I had the opportunity to converse with a Nubian elder, who informed me that his people had always believed that this island in the Nile was a birthplace of civilization.
Moreover, I discovered Neolithic artifacts at the island’s small museum. It felt like a homecoming, to say goodbye to those pompous pharaonic statues and say hello to these demure folk statuettes.