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See the Pleiadians

Why can't see the P's_.png
Pleiadian Family

The Pleiadians are spirit beings.

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Now, let’s see.

fingerprint of Pleiadians Newgrange K52

- Pleiadian Fingerprints -

gift of wool from the Ps (Pleiadians)

- Pleiadian Gifts to Earth humankind -

Who are the Pleiadians? 

The Pleiadians are:    


* light-bodied humans residing in the 5th Dimension (5D)  

* ancestors to Pleiadian starseeds living on Earth   

* bringers of agriculture, givers of civilization, builders of megaliths

* masters of inter-dimensional travels on space vehicles of light (i.e. not metal)

* returning to earth-human awareness as spirit beings (i.e. not flesh-bodied astronauts)

* to be seen by the spirit eye ( i.e. soul eye)


 soul eye

Pleiadians as spirit beings seen by the spirit eye

What is the Group of 8? 

The Group of 8 was:    

* the "Ireland team" of a Pleiadian civilization mission that landed on Earth ca 9500 BC

* the bringer of civilization to Ireland ca 5000 BC


* the maker of Irish megaliths (such as the world-famous Newgrange)

Newgrange entrance


The Group of 8 is: 


* the first Pleiadian group to self-disclose its ancient landing sites

* the creative force behind

* made of 4 couples / 8 personalities of 1 Pleiadian soul

* represented by the logo:

Group of 8 logo 2018.png

The Group of 8

Who is Sincera? 

Sincera is Sincere-Ra


* one of the 8 individuals that constitute the Pleiadian Group of 8

* a personal interface between the Group of 8 and Qin-Ra

* a co-author of Qin's books

* the south + female aspect of the soul of the Group of 8 

Sincera logo .png



Again, Who Are the Pleiadians? 

The Answer:

(by Qin-Ra)   

Qin-Ra_WJ Qin_Wen-jie Qin

We too are the Pleiadians, we Pleiadian starseeds all over the planet.


We are Pleiadian souls operating in Gaian human bodies, here on a dream mission to assist Gaia's ascension into the 5th Dimension.

We are celestial beings, having a down-to-Earth experience.

Image by Aleksander Vlad

Look n' See 

The 1st Step in 

Starseed Awakening

To claim your Pleiadian Starseed heritage, check out this blog on Pleiadian vibration:

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