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Womb Consciousness

Womb Consciousness - Gaian Dream- pleiadian family - qin

Womb = Energy Source

Consciousness = Holistic Awareness

Womb = Power Field

Consciousness = Experiential Knowing

Womb  ≠  Environment

Consciousness  ≠  Mind

Womb Consciousness is the seed's awareness of its being one with the apple and being other than the apple. 

Womb Consciousness produces a sense of security (peace & warmth) and a sense of purpose (direction & motivation).

Where Are We?

In a Womb within a Womb within a Womb...

womb within womb.jpg

How Are We?

Aligned Through Vibrational Umbilical Cords

Cord over cord.jpg

Where To?

Birth after Birth after Birth...

birth after birth.png

Sperm —> Planetary Seed —> Star Seed —> Galactic Seed

Animal Human —> Planetary Human —> Star Human —> Galactic Human

How To?

newgrange tempe of light.jpg

Rebirth a New Human for the New Earth

Womb of Light Meditation

Pleiadian Field - Womb of Light

Pleiadian Field

3 Doors to the Gaian Dream

Womb Consciousness
Newgrange Interior View.jpg
Child Consciousness
Child Barry cropped.jpg
Play Consciousness
Krishna Radha.jpeg
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