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Pleiadian Family | Qin-Ra

Light Shall Prevail

What does “light” mean when both sides in a battle say light shall win?

The Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, has often declared the victory of light over darkness, as has Yahya Sinwar, the recently killed leader of Hamas. 

So, which light is the light? 

In this brief message, we shall provide a Pleiadian perspective on a key issue essential to humanity’s awakening at Dawn:

What Is Light?

We are talking about spiritual light. 

In our definition, light is a form of energy, frequency, and vibration that can be experienced by both the physical and non-physical aspects of a human on Earth. Both your body and your consciousness/spirit/soul are able to receive and transmit this energy, as humankind is designed to be energy conductors. 

In other words, every one of you can channel the energy of light.

When light passes through the prism-like human channel, it can manifest in three principle ways: as truth, as beauty, and as love.

Another way to put it: light is information, truthful, beautiful, and loving. The three aspects of light are interconnected.


You live in a dualistic realm, where all things exist in polarities. Therefore, light is accompanied by its opposite: darkness or the shadow. While light manifests as truth, beauty, and love, darkness produces lies, ugliness, and fear. 

Beautiful lies do exist, however, and lies often wear pretty masks. When lies are masked by beauty, they work as charming deceptions. Yet, such beauty is short-lived, in contrast to the long-lasting beauty of truth.

“There are also ugly truths,” you say. 

Yes, indeed, the truth can appear ugly (and scary) when it removes the mask of beauty and reveals the naked essence of something hiding in the dark.  

Earth humans are often drawn to beautiful lies that pretend to be the truths, and repelled by ugly truths that stand naked with no pretense.    

Here lies the greatest confusion at Dawn, a liminal phase where contradictory energies parallel and intermingle. In this twilight zone, truth can look false, and lies can sound true. A thing can be a mixture of both, or a half-truth and half-lie. 

Let us reassure you, “Light shall prevail!” and this is another way of saying, “Truths shall defeat lies!” The statement is describing a process: that of more and more truths coming out, that of more and more lies being exposed. This process is happening by itself as an inevitable cosmic event. 

Because you are transitioning from the Night into the Day, and the movement of Dawn is that of increasing Daylight shining into the interiors of human consciousness. (Learn More: Dawn: the transition from Night to Day)

Daylight reveals what’s hidden in the dark. No wonder scandals are popping up everywhere and demonic faces are revealing themselves one by one. 

This is the “ugly truth” segment of your journey, unpleasant and unsettling, yet liberating and empowering in the long run.  

Mind you that truth itself is not ugly. The current phase of things looking uglier and scarier will eventually pass, to be replaced by the “beautiful truth” phase where all lies, ugly or pretty, have completely vanished in the light. 

What’s left then is the pure light, experienced by humanity as a trinity of radiance: that of wisdom, compassion, and beauty combined. The new era that awaits the awakened humanity is that of abundant light, aptly termed as the Age of Light.


There is more to our statement, “Light shall prevail.” 

In fact, by “light” we mean a higher level of energy that unifies and transcends dualistic divisions, including that of light and darkness.

This higher form of light can be written as LIGHT.

LIGHT refers to the radiant energy of the non-dual Source. LIGHT is another word for Source Energy, or Source Vibration (also termed by us as Bliss Vibration). 

When connected to Source Energy, you’d experience a warm and bright sensation that expands your contracted aura, that uplifts your consciousness from the illusory realm of dualistic separations. The conflict between light and darkness ceases to exist the moment you start to experience the non-dual LIGHT. 

It is LIGHT that shall prevail, ending even the conflict between light and darkness. If you can look from our Pleiadian perspective at what’s going on down on Earth, you will turn optimistic and feel hopeful, no matter how hopeless the situation seems. 

And if you look from our viewpoint back at the example mentioned at the beginning—that of Netanyahu and Sinwar both prophesying the victory of light—you will see that neither of these two iconic fighters had come near the neighborhood of the LIGHT.     

You can debate which of them is more of a man of light, or even more of a man. Yet, as you will learn in our next message, regardless of what they had done and despite being archenemies to each other, both of them are loved by the LIGHT.

Channeler’s Note

I know it’s hard to imagine that the Divine Ultimate loves Netanyahu, if you are a Palestinian whose child has been killed by an IDF bomb, or loves Sinwar if your spouse remains a Hamas hostage, alive or dead.

The message above that I channeled from the Pleiadian Group of 8 might seem out of touch or even cold to those who are suffering intense pain. However, it would be a mistake to think that our Pleiadian family up there can't feel our pain or see who's right and who's wrong down here.

They, as beings of light, have been teaching us how to continue as Fighters of Light and win this last battle at Dawn. Being our higher-dimensional guides, they are concerned that we might get trapped in a bloody duality game, stuck at a low level of consciousness, and become ever more divided.

The energy of our star family is one that unifies us rather than divides us; it lifts us up instead of dragging us down. The Pleiadians channel the energy of solution rather than the energy that has created the problem.


We must get to the root level of the Gaza problem. The root cause goes much deeper than that of Zionism or settler colonialism, and extends much further back than 1948. 

We have to go all the way back, to the beginning of the historical era when the alien invasion of humanity began. This alien energy is directly responsible for all past wars, as well as the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine. 

This alien energy, termed by the Pleiadian Group of 8 as the Anu Force of Darkness, has divided historical humans into opposing camps, and has led today’s Israelis and Palestinians into so hellish a state. 

Wars will persist on Earth as long as the Anu Force of Darkness goes unnoticed. The Middle East will not achieve lasting peace until this hidden astral force that funds both sides of a battle is exposed in the light.  

The tragedy of Gaza also opened a portal to awakening. 

Perhaps Gaza will be remembered as "the greatest turning point" marking the moment when divided humanity began the journey towards reunification. 

It is now clearer why, a year ago when the war began, the Pleiadians referred to the event as the Test of Gaza.

It’s a test for all of us: the human race.

Put all presidential candidates through

the Gaza Test, and you will see

where they really stand and

who they truly represent.

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