You read it right: love-making.
The erotic act—the love union of Earth and Sun—was commemorated on a monumental scale by the architectural design of Newgrange.
This groundbreaking revelation (shocking to some and comforting to others) was given by Pleiadian builders of this 5,500-year-old temple in Ireland.
The revelation was first presented in our book, New Humankind—A Pleiadian Herstory, which in 2021 has evolved into a new book titled, A Pleiadian Revolution of Love. The new book is in its final pre-publication stage and will deliver, among others, a new set of revelations about Newgrange.
Meanwhile, you may want to read the older and shorter Pleiadian account about Newgrange ("A womb, not a tomb!") as well as our Q&A page about Newgrange.
You may also want to watch a live stream of the 2020 Winter Solstice event, presented by the OPW, with an official narrative about Newgrange (as a Passage Tomb):
Video: Newgrange 2020 Live Stream
The Office of Public Works (OPW) announced that the Newgrange chamber remains closed to the public during Winter Solstice due to COVID-19. However, OPW will host a live stream of the Winter Solstice event again this year.
If you want to participate in the Newgrange Solstice event, you have three options:
1. Watch
You may watch the live stream on the internet, which will be more of a visual spectacle—an experience in the 3D.
2. Meditate
Enter the Newgrange chamber in the 4D, in your mind, in your heart and soul, and participate in the lovemaking of Earth and Sun by taking the Pleiadian initiation rite (2021 Newgrange Child of Light Initiation).
3. Watch & Meditate
You watch the live stream on 12/20 and take the Pleiadian initiation rite on 12/21 or 12/22.
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You can enter the astral level of Newgrange in the 4D, without ever traveling to Ireland in the 3D. The 4th Dimension is beyond 3D time-space constraints.
Thus, a million people can be inside Newgrange at the same time, yet each person can have Newgrange to oneself.
During the lovemaking of Earth and Sun, you can seize the opportunity to birth a new you inside the Earth Womb represented by Newgrange.

This is the second year that the Pleiadian Newgrange offers an annual occasion for people to participate individually, from any location, in the symbolic event of the lovemaking of Earth and Sun.
By taking the position of a Child of Light born inside Newgrange in the light of the Sun, you can return to the root level of creation, and to the vibrational origin of you—a human child born of the love union of Earth and Sun.

As you may know, Newgrange was activated at the Winter Solstice of 2020—she became a living temple from there on. This is a miniature Earth Womb that can assist in the birth of new human consciousness at Dawn.
The activation of Newgrange means that we, awakening Starseeds and Earth seeds, have a megalithic "Gaia Temple" now, a place where we can enter and perform life-changing and life-enhancing rituals, or acts of power.
Whether you feel connected to Newgrange or not, whether you want to become a Newgrange-born Child of Light or not, the upcoming solstice event offers an opportunity to celebrate the most important fact:
that you are here, alive on Earth.
You are neither an orphan, thrown into a heartless world, nor a beast of burden, here to serve a ruthless system that uses you as a slave. You are a beloved son or daughter of Earth and Sun—a child born of cosmic love.
You are unique.
You are precious.
You are a free and multidimensional human being.
It’s time to claim your birthright!
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