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Pleiadian Family | Qin-Ra

Gaza to Gaia

- a Quantum Leap for Humanity

Gaza to Gaia: a Quantum Leap for Humanity

This channeled message contains two questions raised by me, Qin-Ra, and answered by Sincera, the head of the Pleiadian Group of 8:

1. Why should we stay focused on Gaza?

2. Why should we go from Gaza to Gaia?

Question 1

Why should we stay focused on Gaza?


Last year, shortly after the October 7 event, you advised us to take this conflict as a ongoing spiritual initiation test (the Test of Gaza). Recently you restated the importance of shifting from the Anu Timeline to the Gaia Timeline (the Two Timelines). Doesn’t it mean that we let go of all dark dramas? Why should we stay focused on Gaza? 


Because Gaza is a door to the Middle East. The tragedy happening in Gaza is a miniature representation of the great tragedy that happened to humanity on planet Earth, which began in the Middle East. 

Presently, there is no better dramatic representation of the human tragedy than the current one unfolding in Gaza before the eyes of the entire human community. What has happened to you, the Gaian human species, is encapsulated within the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which is centered on the rights over the Gaza Strip. 

When you watch what’s happening in Gaza, you are looking at an ongoing drama of darkness—its starting point lies in the Middle East—and this dark drama has brought humanity into deep suffering during the historical period.

Picture in your mind a library room where the story of what has gone wrong with humanity is stored. The library room looks somewhat like a museum exhibition hall displaying the story of what has gone wrong for humankind. This spacious room bears a striking name:

Hall of Earth Human Tragedy

This room has been kept a top secret; hardly anyone knows of its existence until now. You are among the first to be informed of such a hall of dark records, and the entrance to it begins with none other than the current event of the Gaza War. 

Many can see the surface picture of the Gaza War, yet few recognize it as a door. Most observers would stop at the event itself, not realizing that it offers a portal to a meta event that encompasses many mini tragedies in recorded history, while also explaining why.

You can open the door and step into the doorway. Since we, your star family, are guiding your steps, you can bravely walk through this haunted doorway of Gaza till you reach the dungeon-like door to the Hall of Earth Human Tragedy.

We say to you that the key to solving the current Gaza problem lies behind the door, within this hall of dark records. To help fellow humans who are trapped in the war zones of Palestine and Ukraine, you must summon your courage, enter the hall, and find the key. 

Not only the future of the Palestinians and Israelis but also the future of your human species is dependent on you bringing to light this key piece of information.

Banksy Gaza Wall

I found a perfect illustration of Sincera’s "door" metaphor in the mural (above) painted by Banksy, who has turned numerous spots of Gaza into powerful art 

In short, Gaza is a doorway to understanding your past and thereby your future.

When it comes to comprehending what has gone wrong on Earth, no location and no event in the current timeframe can surpass Gaza in having the greatest symbolic meaning and vibrational significance. 

Gaza takes center stage in world affairs; the attention of humanity must stay focused on the problem of Gaza. Here lies the prospect of human liberation. If humanity on Earth can come together and solve the Gaza problem, the Gaian human race will become free.

Question 2

Why should we go from Gaza to Gaia?


I’ve been hearing the phrase “from Gaza to Gaia” repeatedly in my heart and know that it came from you. What do you mean by that? Why should we make such a shift?


It might seem that we are playing on words. It so happens that the two words have only one letter difference. Yet, the difference of one letter can send you into two vastly different vibrational realities. 

From “z” to “i” there is a huge gap. To go from Gaza to Gaia would require humanity to embark on a radical shift of consciousness—a quantum leap.

We Pleiadians are fond of speaking in metaphors. All words and images in the repertoire of your human memory are metaphors: they describe and signify reality. In our usage, the words “Gaza” and “Gaia” function as our symbolic-conceptual means to help you connect with a particular level of reality. 

The word “Gaza” points you to a reality of brutality, atrocity, and insanity as a result of two human groups locked in a life-and-death drama of mutual destruction. Gaza stands as a striking symbol of mass killing, mass death, mass suffering, and mass pain. 

Gaza signifies the lowest level of human existence. It forces everyone to wonder: “How could 21st-century humans create such a hell and it is happening right in front of our eyes?” From this springs an even deeper question: “What has gone wrong with humanity?”

It is traumatizing to watch traumatized children who have nowhere to escape and no luxury to ponder bigger questions as such. Anyone with conscience would feel deeply affected and afflicted by what happens in Gaza: it’s getting worse each day. 

As you follow the development of events, it is often easy to forget the most basic fact: that what occurs in Gaza is a purely man-made disaster, not a natural calamity. 

The sky over Gaza is often blue; the inhabitants of Palestine possess a precious property called sunshine. It is an absurd juxtaposition of a resort-like setting (Gaia) and a hell-like happening (Gaza). “Why such a nightmare in such a dream place?” It makes you wonder.

Banksy Gaza Mural

I found another perfect illustration from Banksy’s murals in Gaza (however, the Gazans are struggling to survive a wet, cold, gray winter right now)

The key message you, Qin-Ra, are delivering on our behalf is that the Anu Force of Darkness (which invaded Gaia via the Middle East) has driven a wedge between human societies and between human individuals. This force has divided humanity into conflicting factions, and has been orchestrating ethnic conflicts throughout history. 

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a perfect example of one ethnic group being divided into two and thrown like gladiators into a Roman arena for mutual destruction. Dawn is the time to not only expose this hidden force at work but more importantly, reveal the structural setup created by a nonhuman force to conquer and rule humanity. 

While this anti-life force divides humanity, the force of life does the opposite. As you’ve shown in our Gaia Loves Both (Unity Consciousness) message, it was never Gaia’s desire to see her human children wage wars and kill one another. Gaia’s energy is one that brings humanity together instead of pulling humanity apart.

Some would argue that the Gaian world is full of violence. Look at the harsh mechanism of the food chain. Killing is happening each moment: the weak die and the strong live. Nature is cruel, you learned this in school. 

Please remember that the introduction of agriculture has fundamentally altered the human level of the food chain. Unless in extreme situations of starvation, on a planet of abundant resources, humans have no need to kill one another to survive or grow. 

The situation of scarcity, which leads to humans competing for limited resources, was a planned, engineered, continuous event. The force that orchestrated the series of events to keep humanity in the scarcity mode was a diabolic one, which not only hijacked but also inverted the course of civilization. 

As bringers of agriculture and civilization, we Pleiadians and Sirians are in the position to reveal what civilization means. True civilization connotes the movement of humanity away from energy scarcity to energy abundance. Civilization implies humanity going higher and higher in vibration (i.e., ascension). 

Peace, harmony, beauty, truth, and love are among the traits of a high-level human vibration. What’s unfolding in Gaza (similar to what happened at Auschwitz) is a graphic illustration of how low this force that has hijacked and perverted civilization wants humanity to fall.

Remember that such tragedies are not at all what Gaia wants for you or for herself! 

Gaia doesn’t want megatons of bombs dumped on her body, creating hole after hole. When you are feeling the pain of the human victims (be they Palestinian or Israeli) you are also feeling the pain of her. Your Earth Mother is crying along with the tens of thousands of mothers and fathers on the ground who have lost their children to war.

Gaia has been allowing these atrocities to occur, for she has to go on playing her role as a generous provider, offering a classroom for her human children to learn lessons through mistakes. Gaia knows that when the time comes, some of these hypnotized children will wake up and change. She will team up with these awakening humans to correct mistakes, heal wounds, and restore life.

We whispered to you a year ago (in World War 3):

“No matter how many lives will be taken away at Gaza,

no force can take away the One Life of Gaia.”

The energy of this One Life will make a triumphant comeback and sow new seeds in the land of Palestine. 

Just as life had bounced back from the shattered cities of Warsaw and Dresden, life will return to the ruins of the Gaza Strip. It will be an entirely new scene where former enemies have become good neighbors, as their ancestors had been for centuries and millennia. 

There was a time when the Middle East was a peaceful, prosperous, and happy region where the birth of civilization began, blessed by the abundant life force of Mother Earth. The legacy of peace sits in the soil as a permanent layer of the Earth’s record. Gaia has once supported various human tribes to co-exist in peace on this part of her body—Gaia can do it again. 

Gaia will do it again. She will gather two brothers in fighting back into her arms and calm them down. Both are deeply traumatized; both suffer severe PTSD. The Earth Mother will nurture and cure her two wounded sons with an inexhaustible and impartial energy of love. 

Unity Consciousness (Gaia Loves Both Palestinians and Israelis)

Right now, it is urgent that all of you, humans on the planet, start to feel the One Life force of Gaia. The One Life force is the energy that can lead the human race out of the dire straits of the 21st century. 

Gaia’s life force will overcome the anti-life force that has driven a wedge between her and her children. 

Gaia’s light force will defeat the shadow force that during the nighttime of history, has pulled her children away from her arms.

Gaia’s native force will triumph over the alien force that has alienated the human species from its mother planet.

From Gaza to Gaia, you the awakening humans will make a quantum leap during the portal phase of Dawn. From incessant wars to everlasting peace, a complete turnaround will take place to alter the epic story of the human journey on Earth.  

Gaia is the one to help you solve the problem of Gaza.

Channeler’s Note

In other words, not only we humans must reunite as one but also reunite with Gaia, the spirit of Earth. We won’t be able to win this last battle at Dawn against the Anu Force of Darkness if we stay alienated from her. Because we’d be cut off from a vital source of power—we wouldn’t have the winning energy. 

Gaia is the doorway to the Source. We can’t bypass Gaia to access the Source. Gaia is a manifestation/personification of the Source. She is the first being on the level of the cosmos for us to reconnect with. 

First the mother (Earth) and then the father (Sun), this is the way to overcome alienation and mend our broken relationship with the sacred universe. 

Our next message will be on how to prepare yourself for starting a new relationship with Gaia by way of a spiritual rebirth. This self-initiation rite will take place on winter solstice (Dec.21, 2024 9:20 UTC).

You have still three weeks to prepare yourself. I hope my recent messages will help you at least see a direction and have a sense of what to do. 

To start preparing for winter solstice, please visit the Child of Light page and explore all our messages. Or, simply read the most recent ones listed in chronological order:  

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